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背景和目的:与生物医学分析相结合的人工智能(AI)方法在Pandemics期间具有关键作用,因为它有助于释放来自医疗保健系统和医生的压力压力。由于持续的Covid-19危机在具有茂密的人口和巴西和印度等测试套件中的国家恶化,放射性成像可以作为准确分类Covid-19患者的重要诊断工具,并在适当时期规定必要的治疗。通过这种动机,我们基于使用胸部X射线检测Covid-19感染肺的深度学习架构的研究。数据集:我们共收集了三种不同类标签的2470张图片,即健康的肺,普通肺炎和Covid-19感染的肺炎,其中470个X射线图像属于Covid-19类。方法:我们首先使用直方图均衡技术预处理所有图像,并使用U-Net架构进行它们。然后,VGG-16网络用于从预处理图像中的特征提取,该特征提取通过SMTE过采样技术进一步采样以实现平衡数据集。最后,使用具有10倍交叉验证的支持向量机(SVM)分类器分类类平衡功能,评估精度。结果和结论:我们的新方法结合了众所周知的预处理技术,特征提取方法和数据集平衡方法,使我们在2470 X射线图像的数据集中获得了Covid-19图像的优秀识别率为98% 。因此,我们的模型适用于用于筛选目的的医疗保健设施。
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虹膜呈现攻击检测(iPad)对于确保个人身份至关重要是广泛使用的虹膜识别系统。然而,由于在不受约束的环境中捕获和攻击样本之间的高视觉相关性,现有的iPad算法不会概括到看不见和跨域场景。虹膜眼镜图像复杂纹理和形态模式的这些相似之处进一步促进了性能降解。为了减轻这些缺点,本文提出了DFCanet:密集特征校准和注意力引导网络,其校准了与全球位于全球位于局部涂抹的虹膜模式。从特征校准卷积和剩余学习中振衡优势,DFCanet会生成特定于域的IRIS特征表示。由于校准特征映射中的一些通道包含更突出的信息,因此我们通过通道注意机制利用频道跨越渠道的鉴别特征学习。为了加强挑战我们所提出的模型,我们使DFCanet通过非统一和非归一化的眼虹膜图像运行。在挑战性跨域和域内场景中进行的广泛实验突出了一致的表现优势。与最先进的方法相比,DFCanet分别实现了基准IIITD CLI,IIIT CSD和NDCLD13数据库的性能显着提升。此外,已经引入了一种新的基于增量学习的方法,以克服解散的虹膜数据特征和数据稀缺。本文还追求了在各种跨域协议下进行评估的攻击类别下进行软镜头的具有挑战性的情景。该代码将公开可用。
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Mixup is a popular data augmentation technique for training deep neural networks where additional samples are generated by linearly interpolating pairs of inputs and their labels. This technique is known to improve the generalization performance in many learning paradigms and applications. In this work, we first analyze Mixup and show that it implicitly regularizes infinitely many directional derivatives of all orders. We then propose a new method to improve Mixup based on the novel insight. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct experiments across various domains such as images, tabular data, speech, and graphs. Our results show that the proposed method improves Mixup across various datasets using a variety of architectures, for instance, exhibiting an improvement over Mixup by 0.8% in ImageNet top-1 accuracy.
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In multi-agent systems with large number of agents, typically the contribution of each agent to the value of other agents is minimal (e.g., aggregation systems such as Uber, Deliveroo). In this paper, we consider such multi-agent systems where each agent is self-interested and takes a sequence of decisions and represent them as a Stochastic Non-atomic Congestion Game (SNCG). We derive key properties for equilibrium solutions in SNCG model with non-atomic and also nearly non-atomic agents. With those key equilibrium properties, we provide a novel Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) mechanism that minimizes variance across values of agents in the same state. To demonstrate the utility of this new mechanism, we provide detailed results on a real-world taxi dataset and also a generic simulator for aggregation systems. We show that our approach reduces the variance in revenues earned by taxi drivers, while still providing higher joint revenues than leading approaches.
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This thesis considers sequential decision problems, where the loss/reward incurred by selecting an action may not be inferred from observed feedback. A major part of this thesis focuses on the unsupervised sequential selection problem, where one can not infer the loss incurred for selecting an action from observed feedback. We also introduce a new setup named Censored Semi Bandits, where the loss incurred for selecting an action can be observed under certain conditions. Finally, we study the channel selection problem in the communication networks, where the reward for an action is only observed when no other player selects that action to play in the round. These problems find applications in many fields like healthcare, crowd-sourcing, security, adaptive resource allocation, among many others. This thesis aims to address the above-described sequential decision problems by exploiting specific structures these problems exhibit. We develop provably optimal algorithms for each of these setups with weak feedback and validate their empirical performance on different problem instances derived from synthetic and real datasets.
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This thesis considers sequential decision problems, where the loss/reward incurred by selecting an action may not be inferred from observed feedback. A major part of this thesis focuses on the unsupervised sequential selection problem, where one can not infer the loss incurred for selecting an action from observed feedback. We also introduce a new setup named Censored Semi Bandits, where the loss incurred for selecting an action can be observed under certain conditions. Finally, we study the channel selection problem in the communication networks, where the reward for an action is only observed when no other player selects that action to play in the round. These problems find applications in many fields like healthcare, crowd-sourcing, security, adaptive resource allocation, among many others. This thesis aims to address the above-described sequential decision problems by exploiting specific structures these problems exhibit. We develop provably optimal algorithms for each of these setups with weak feedback and validate their empirical performance on different problem instances derived from synthetic and real datasets.
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In post-covid19 world, radio frequency (RF)-based non-contact methods, e.g., software-defined radios (SDR)-based methods have emerged as promising candidates for intelligent remote sensing of human vitals, and could help in containment of contagious viruses like covid19. To this end, this work utilizes the universal software radio peripherals (USRP)-based SDRs along with classical machine learning (ML) methods to design a non-contact method to monitor different breathing abnormalities. Under our proposed method, a subject rests his/her hand on a table in between the transmit and receive antennas, while an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal passes through the hand. Subsequently, the receiver extracts the channel frequency response (basically, fine-grained wireless channel state information), and feeds it to various ML algorithms which eventually classify between different breathing abnormalities. Among all classifiers, linear SVM classifier resulted in a maximum accuracy of 88.1\%. To train the ML classifiers in a supervised manner, data was collected by doing real-time experiments on 4 subjects in a lab environment. For label generation purpose, the breathing of the subjects was classified into three classes: normal, fast, and slow breathing. Furthermore, in addition to our proposed method (where only a hand is exposed to RF signals), we also implemented and tested the state-of-the-art method (where full chest is exposed to RF radiation). The performance comparison of the two methods reveals a trade-off, i.e., the accuracy of our proposed method is slightly inferior but our method results in minimal body exposure to RF radiation, compared to the benchmark method.
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Masked Language Modeling (MLM) has proven to be an essential component of Vision-Language (VL) pretraining. To implement MLM, the researcher must make two design choices: the masking strategy, which determines which tokens to mask, and the masking rate, which determines how many tokens to mask. Previous work has focused primarily on the masking strategy while setting the masking rate at a default of 15\%. In this paper, we show that increasing this masking rate improves downstream performance while simultaneously reducing performance gap among different masking strategies, rendering the uniform masking strategy competitive to other more complex ones. Surprisingly, we also discover that increasing the masking rate leads to gains in Image-Text Matching (ITM) tasks, suggesting that the role of MLM goes beyond language modeling in VL pretraining.
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Sentence simplification aims at making the structure of text easier to read and understand while maintaining its original meaning. This can be helpful for people with disabilities, new language learners, or those with low literacy. Simplification often involves removing difficult words and rephrasing the sentence. Previous research have focused on tackling this task by either using external linguistic databases for simplification or by using control tokens for desired fine-tuning of sentences. However, in this paper we purely use pre-trained transformer models. We experiment with a combination of GPT-2 and BERT models, achieving the best SARI score of 46.80 on the Mechanical Turk dataset, which is significantly better than previous state-of-the-art results. The code can be found at https://github.com/amanbasu/sentence-simplification.
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